From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Create a dataverse plug-in

Create a dataverse plug-in

- [Instructor] Creating plug-ins. There's two methods for creating plug-ins. The first are using the Power Platform development tools such as the Power Platform Tools for Visual Studio, or the Power Platform CLI, which stands for Command Line Interface. The second is manually writing code in a chosen editor or IDE. Plug-in overview. Plug-ins are custom event handlers that run in response to a specific event. They're implemented as a custom class compiled into a .NET framework and are used when a declarative process doesn't meet the requirement. Here's a quick overview of how they're used. So you have your bucket, which is the data processing operation, and a target event happens such as a save or a load. That's what triggers the plug-in to run. Plug-in execution pipeline. There's four main steps. The first is pre-validation. It executes outside of the database transactions and runs in synchronous mode. Pre-operation, which executes inside the database transaction. Main operation. The…
