From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Configure the power platform to support development

Configure the power platform to support development

- [Narrator] Now we're going to move on to talking about Dataverse Security Concepts. Security and Dataverse allows users to do necessary work as easily as possible while still supporting the data. Users are authenticated by Azure AD and the user environment licensing needs to match the applications. Licensing is also one of the first access points to Power Apps components. It has a hierarchical data structure. Environment Security and Dataverse. There's three general buckets for this. The first one is business units, security roles, and users. And we're going to dive into these a little bit more in the next slides. Role-based. Groups together privileges can be tied directly to users or with teams and business units. Users can be added to a team to inherit permissions. And all privilege access is accumulative, defaulting to the greatest amount of access. Business units. Works with security rules to determine what access a user has. Every Dataverse table has a single root business…
