From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Admin center deep dive

Admin center deep dive

- [Presenter] For this demo, we're going to do a deep dive into the Power Platform Admin Center. To navigate to it, you can either start from the Power Apps homepage, the Power Automate homepage, or directly from the URL. We're going to start from the Power Apps homepage by selecting the cog in the top right corner. Here under settings, you can see the top one is Admin Center. Before we go over there, let's take a look at some of the other settings. First, we have Plans. This is going to tell me the licenses that are associated with the account that I'm logged in with. So for example, this account has Power Apps for Office 365 and Power Apps per user plan. Next I have Advanced Settings. This is going to open in a new tab, my Dynamics settings. This is a classic view, so if you've been working with Dynamics in the past, it should look pretty familiar to you. Microsoft is making an effort to have a unified admin portal though, so just keep that in mind when working in this screen. Next…
