From the course: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (PL-100) Cert Prep

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Why should you take this course if it's not your job?

From the course: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (PL-100) Cert Prep

Why should you take this course if it's not your job?

- [Instructor] So, if you know the business so well and Power Platform gives you all these great tools to solve these problems, why do I have to take a test? I get it. No one likes taking tests. However, this particular certification helps you fill in some of those knowledge gaps that you might have. Sure, you're great with the business, you understand the business, but let's talk a little bit about the tech. Let's offer you some ways to solve those problems in a safe way. This also shows your admin, who might be a little bit reluctant to let you develop on their platform, it shows them that you can be trusted. It shows them that you are willing to go and learn and achieve a certification to show that you're not going to break things, or cause unnecessary risks in the environment. But also, in addition to studying for a certification, taking an exam, nothing beats experience. So experience will help you do…
