From the course: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (PL-100) Cert Prep

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Use cases for the personal use of desktop flows

Use cases for the personal use of desktop flows

- [Instructor] So we've spent a lot of time on cloud flows. Let's just spend a little bit of time here talking about desktop flows. Desktop flows are robotic process automation. Well, what does that really mean? That means that you have a legacy system local to you or on a server, and you have the ability to record those steps and let those things happen automatically. So we've got many tasks that can be automated with Power Automate Desktop. So for example, you can schedule meetings, set yourself reminders, don't lose an attachment again, automate approvals, and so on. You can quickly organize your documents using dedicated files and folders. You can automate consolidation of data across multiple sources and more. What we've got here is some examples when you first go into desktop flows. Let's go ahead and drill into that text manipulation category that we see. The system will give you some examples that you can use…
