From the course: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (PL-100) Cert Prep

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Model-driven apps introduction

Model-driven apps introduction

- [Instructor] Next up, we'll talk about model-driven Power Apps. As the name implies, these are driven around the data model. So that model-driven Power App depends upon a solid data model that we're using Microsoft Dataverse to build. Here, we've got a screen that we've got from a model-driven Power App. You can see that it has a very familiar-looking experience where users can always be comfortable in these apps because they're very similar to other Microsoft applications that they experience every day. So model-driven Power Apps give you all of these things automatically, so that you don't have to spend resources and time building some of this logic. So we have a form builder, which gives a drag-and-drop experience for building out the forms. We have no-code logic options, which we'll discuss more here in a little bit. We have a security layer that is built in, so that you can protect the data that needs to be…
