From the course: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (PL-100) Cert Prep

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Common user experience

Common user experience

- [Instructor] So one of the great things about model-driven apps is the user experience is consistent regardless of what type of model-driven app you're building, whether it's targeting tourism, whether it's targeting cars, or cows, any of those can be managed in a model-driven app. And that user experience is similar across all of the different model-driven apps. So in this demo, we're going to see the user perspective of a model-driven app. We'll see those common elements that are familiar to the user, regardless of which model-driven app they're using. One of the great things about model-driven apps is their common elements, so that users don't have to relearn how to use a new app just because they have a new model driven app available to them. So let's do a quick tour, so we can see what that user experience is. So here we're looking at our list of records. These are our specials that have been submitted…
