From the course: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (PL-100) Cert Prep

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Citizen developer limitations

Citizen developer limitations

- [Narrator] Throughout this course you'll be seeing things that may not look exactly like the system that you are using. I'll be showing demos, I'll be showing some screen captures just because what you see in this course doesn't look exactly the same as what you have available, doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. It doesn't even mean that the platform has necessarily been updated. It could be a difference in licensing. I could have an enterprise license, you could have an enterprise license. And perhaps the functionalities different based on that. It could be that your system administrator has implemented some policies to prevent you from doing things until you've passed the certification and proven that you can be trusted. Likely it's going to be a combination of those things, either the licenses or some policies set in place. So for the remainder of this course, we'll be learning about the components of Power…
