From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Create the Budget Tracker app

Create the Budget Tracker app

- [Instructor] Our task today is to create an app from a template here in Power Apps. We're on the Power Apps homepage, but we're going to come to our navigation panel on the left and click on Create, because this is where we will find the templates. We're going to scroll down, and this is the template we're looking for, the Budget Tracker. We're going to click on that and we have to make a decision. Do we want the format to be a tablet or a phone? This one we're going to use a tablet format. Now you can see the description, keep your projects and events on budget, with custom categories, easy data entry and the graphing options you need to see it all clearly. This is a really, really nice template. Now up at the top, we have the app name as Budget Tracker_1502. We're going to get rid of that last part, and we're just going to call it Budget Tracker H Sports, okay. Let's go ahead and let's click Create and Power Apps is going…
