From the course: Microsoft Fabric Data Flows and Data Storage

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Adding data to OneLake

Adding data to OneLake

- [Instructor] Fabric provides a number of different ways to add data to your data environment. Here we're going to take a look at the copy data function with data pipelines and see how you can use it to create a data pipeline to retrieve data and add it to OneLake and a Data Lakehouse. For this demo, you need to be in the data engineering workflow of Fabric. You can see the icon in the bottom left of the window. The first step is to create a new pipeline. We're going to click on the data pipeline preview button here. For our new pipeline, we're going to call it Copy Customer because we're going to use it to copy customer data. Select create, and this will bring us into a new pipeline window. It's completely blank, so let's start by building my data pipeline by selecting copy data here. I have a number of options for where I can choose to copy data. Notice that I'm not limited to Azure areas as different Amazon…
