From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 3 Azure Services

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- [Instructor] Congratulations on finishing the third course in the learning path. Brilliant work. Let's accept one thing here. We are humans, so it's not possible for us to remember and understand everything 100% in one go. It's natural to miss bits and pieces here and there, so to reinforce your learning, do not shy away from rewatching course videos that you want to revise. To help you, I've also added a Workbook 3 document in the exercise files. Go old school, take a printout of it and use a pen to note down the important points. It'll be handy to refer to when you're giving your exam. And most importantly, do not forget to spin up Azure Services, compute, networking, and storage. Just ensure you're turning them off or deleting them once your work is done so that you don't lose free credits or get charged for usage. If you are confident at this point, feel free to move forward, but just in case, bookmark this course…
