From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 3 Azure Services

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Understand Azure OpenAI

Understand Azure OpenAI

- [Trainer] Azure OpenAI is an essential service to learn with the advent of artificial intelligence, or should I say, with a sudden explosion of interest in AI across the world. All products in the near future will have AI integration and AI capabilities in some form or another. It'll be so seamless and natural that we won't even realize it's there. And the cloud is going to be a major enabler for this future. So what does Azure OpenAI do? It enables access to OpenAI's large language models like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and potentially, future iterations of it, which I'm denoting by GPTx. We also refer to this as artificial general intelligence or AGI, because the knowledge of these models is not confined to a specific topic or industry. They offer solutions across the board for just about everything. Different AI models serve different purposes. For example, the Codex Model can be used to generate code. DALL-E can be used…
