From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 3 Azure Services


Here are your prerequisites. This course is third in the learning path for AZ-900 on LinkedIn Learning. I strongly recommend that you watch the previous courses before starting this one. That is, first, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Cloud Concepts. And the second, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Azure Architecture and Security. The AZ-900 exam is divided into three sections. Describe Cloud Concepts, Describe Azure Architecture and Services, and Describe Azure Management and Governance. The previous courses covered the entire section, Describe Cloud Concepts and half of the section Azure Architecture and Services. You must understand the concepts taught there before you begin this course. If you've already watched those two courses, that's awesome. You're good to go. The target audience for this course is Beginners in IT, Helpdesk staff, infrastructure professionals and Software developers. I would also recommend this course to Application architects and Product managers, because we will cover Cloud services in the upcoming chapters, which is an area relevant to them. For required knowledge as I've mentioned, you need to have watched my Cloud Concepts course and my Azure Architecture and Security course. Then for required resources, you need access to the LinkedIn Learning path for AZ-900, a Microsoft Learn account, the Workbook 3 document from the exercise files and preferably an Azure Subscription. I showed you how to sign up for a free trial account in the previous course.
