From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 2 Azure Architecture and Security

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Understand the Zero Trust approach

Understand the Zero Trust approach

- [Instructor] Security products evolve from theories that security researchers conceptualize in order to prevent, reduce, and mitigate the impact of a breach. Let's look at one of those theories called the Zero Trust Approach. In the past, as I've mentioned, IT components were mostly confined to a closed corporate network: the directory server, applications, devices, users and other services. They were all housed in a physical location on premises in a closed, trusted network. The inherent trust here comes from the fact that most corporate networks are limited to the physical boundary of the location. We presume any person present physically in the office accessing the network has already undergone a security check at the building gate. We assume we can trust them. We don't double check, and that's okay. But as you know, modernization has changed everything. The physical boundary is gone, the security check at the gate is gone, and users are now accessing applications and resources…
