From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 2 Azure Architecture and Security

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Understand Entra ID Conditional Access

Understand Entra ID Conditional Access

- [Instructor] We have already established we need credentials to access Azure resources and maybe an additional factor if we have implemented multi-factor authentication. This is great for security, but it's not really smart. You've learned that the zero trust approach requires us to verify explicitly using all data points. How do we go about this? We use Azure AD Conditional Access, which provides smart authentication capabilities for your tenant. It jumps into action at the first factor of authentication and uses additional data points to validate the sign-in request. The additional data points are called signals. Azure AD Conditional Access analyzes these signals, makes a decision, and performs enforcement of the decision. The signals consist of the following parameters: who the user is, what group do they belong to, what device and operating system they're using, and what application they're requesting access to. Azure AD Conditional Access also takes into account real-time risk.…
