From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 2 Azure Architecture and Security

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Course summary

Course summary

- [Kunal] We're almost towards the end of this course. I know we've covered a lot of things here. Azure Architecture, Identity, Access, and Security. In this chapter, the conclusion, I'll quickly recap the important topics covered and point you towards your next step. Here's a run through of everything we've learned so far. This was the second course in the learning path for AZ-900 on LinkedIn Learning. We covered half of the official exam objective, "Describe Azure Architecture and Services" in this course. We covered the Architecture and Security parts, but not Services. As I mentioned at the beginning of this course, I have split this section over two courses because this is a core objective with high weightage. We will cover Azure Services in the next course. In the first chapter, we got an overview of the Azure Global Infrastructure, including an Azure geography. We then learned about how geographies contain regions, regions contain availability zones, and availability zones…
