From the course: Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty (DP-420) Cert Prep: 1 Design and Implement Data Models by Microsoft Press

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Configure throughput for Azure Cosmos DB by using Azure Portal

Configure throughput for Azure Cosmos DB by using Azure Portal

Well, you know, there's many ways that we can specify throughput. We can use the SDKs, we can use Azure CLI, we can use Azure PowerShell. The exam objective calls for the portal. So that's what I'm going to do in our demo. Let's do that now. In this demonstration, the subject is sizing and scaling Cosmos DB. So that's what we're going to start with. Let me bring up Visual Studio code where you can see I have a sample data set called VolcanoData.JSON. This is one of Microsoft's many open source datasets. And of course, it tracks what else, volcano data. Now, when we think about how we want to model this in our database and container, we want to think about what would be the best fit for a partition key. And when I was thinking of either making the partition key country or region, now I'd want to do some further inspection to see how many different countries, how many different regions, because remember, this is all thematic to the exam and to the real world. We want to choose a…
