From the course: Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty (DP-420) Cert Prep: 1 Design and Implement Data Models by Microsoft Press

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Choose between serverless and provisioned models

Choose between serverless and provisioned models

What we're concerned with with this part of the exam is understanding the throughput model options for Azure Cosmos DB, which as you can see on the top of the slide, are provisioned or serverless. What this comes down to most intensely is your cost tolerance, that is provisioned is how you'd want to set your cosmos DB throughput where you need pre provisioned compute, you've got workloads with sustained traffic and you don't want to have any latency in between when a request goes into Cosmos DB and when it's handled at the compute layer. So in a sense with the provisioned model, you're prepaying for that compute, specifically the charges per hour based on the number of Request Units provisioned. Now, by contrast, Microsoft offers a serverless option where there is no pre provisioned compute. This is a consumption pricing model that is good for workloads that are intermittent, they have unpredictable traffic and again, you're paid per hour, you're paying, should I say, per hour based…
