From the course: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900) Exam Tips

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Demo: Bot Framework

Demo: Bot Framework

- [Instructor] Okay. So we're here on the homepage of, and I'm already logged in. The first thing we'll do here is to click on the create a knowledge base button to create a new one. That will start a wizard, which will guide me through the process. The step one on this wizard is to create the QnA service on Azure. So let's do that by clicking on this button over here. I'll type LILQnA for the name, leave my current subscription, and select the free pricing tier for both QnA and Azure search. Under resource group, I'll select my LinkedIn resource group. I can leave all these options as default, except that I don't want app insights. So I'll click on disable over here and click on create. This might take a few seconds so I speed up the video over here. When it's done, let's go back to the resource, click here on the access control IAM, and click on add role assignment. Then I'll find the role…
