From the course: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900) Exam Tips

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Create a custom Azure ML resource

Create a custom Azure ML resource

All right. So I'm back here on the Azure portal and I'll just create the new Azure ML resource. For that I'll just click here on the top, go to create a resource, type machine learning, and here's my resource. Let's click on create here. On the new page that opens, I'll leave my subscription as is. And in on the resource group, I'll select my LinkedIn learning resource group. Then I need to name the workspace. Imagine the workspace is a top level area of Azure ML. That's where you're going to create your projects, experiments, models, end points and so on. I'll name this as AI-900AML. I can leave the region as is, but for the workspace edition, I'll select enterprise, as it has some features I'd like to demonstrate. Then I'll click on review and create, and then on the create button. That should take a few seconds. So when it's done, I'll click on go to resource. Here on this new screen I have this banner…
