From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Monitor and troubleshoot VNets

Monitor and troubleshoot VNets

Network Watcher is a resource in the Azure portal that collects together a set of tools you can use to troubleshoot your network. You can see the list of diagnostic tools on the right. I'm going to give a high level view of them here and we'll take a quick look in the portal as well. You'll see some exam questions on troubleshooting networks. And so knowing the differences in these tools and which one is appropriate for the problem that's presented is the way to be able to answer these questions correctly. So IP Flow Verify is a tool that checks packet travel to and from a VM and some other IP address. So it uses a 5-tuple, which means source IP and port, destination IP and port and a protocol. You specify those five things and IP Flow Verify will just tell you yes or no will the packet travel from the source to the destination. You might use this from a VM if it's having trouble connecting to a remote VM that somewhere else in Azure or perhaps to someplace else on the Internet. NSG…
