From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Connect VNets to Azure resources

Connect VNets to Azure resources

As we have discussed, all the VMs on a VNet can automatically communicate with each other over private IP. If you have multiple VNets, however, VMs on different VNets cannot see each other automatically. A way to solve this is to set up what's called a VNet peering. Any two VNets you create in Azure can be connected using peering relationships. The VNet peering communication uses the Microsoft backbone and not the Internet for communication. The data is private because it's on the Microsoft backbone, but it's not encrypted. They're quick and easy to set up. You can have up to 500 peerings per region. And the cost for a VNet peering depends on how much data you push over that peering connection. Let me show you how to set one up in the Azure portal. Here is a VNet I have, east-vnet. Scroll down to peerings and I can easily add a new peering. Notice when you set up a peering, you to set up two relationships. It's really a peering connectivity in one direction and then a corresponding…
