From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 1 Manage Azure Identities and Governance

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Configure self-service password reset

Configure self-service password reset

Self-service password reset is the ability of users to be able to change their password in the cloud. So on a login screen for, say, Microsoft 365 or perhaps the Azure portal, if the user needs to change their password or they're forced to change their password, they can do it through some web pages. It's important to note this is an Azure AD Premium P1 feature and above, so P1 or P2. So at the free tier, this is not available. When you enable it, which I'll show you how to do in the portal in just a moment, you can enable it for all or specific groups of people. You can indicate which kinds of identification are required in order to change the password. So you don't want anybody to be able to change the password from a web page unless they can prove their identity through an email or a mobile phone, like a text message, or through a set of security questions. Once you turn this on for users, they'll have to register some contact info so that Azure AD has their mobile phone, has the…
