From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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Understand how the industry and role impact the interview

Understand how the industry and role impact the interview

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

Understand how the industry and role impact the interview

- Every industry and role has a norm for interviews and understanding these are important considerations for common interview questions. Be sure to research what these norms are to craft the strongest answers. [Instructor] Review the company's website and look for how it describes the organization and its leadership. You can often see if the tone is straight and professional, conversational, or amusing. Also, look at press releases and media mentions about the company. This can help you to set the language and tone of your answers. For example, a start-up may describe itself with words like: innovative, visionary, sweats the details; versus a large corporation that focuses on taking leadership seriously, responsibility to improve lives, and serving the communities we live and work in. Understanding the main priorities for the job will give focus to your answers. It helps to analyze the position prior to the interview…
