From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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How to respond to: Why did you leave your previous company?

How to respond to: Why did you leave your previous company?

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

How to respond to: Why did you leave your previous company?

- When asking the question, why you want to leave your current company, past company, or why you are seeking a position now? An employer just wants to see that you have sound reasoning for your decisions, and if it was a negative situation, that you handled it well. They want to know that you're career focused and not just a job hopper. This is not the time to go into your negative work history, but instead, focus on the value you can bring and support it with specific examples of your work. There are many reasons a person may leave a position, and there are many ways you can potentially answer this question. The ideal situation is that you are leaving your current company for a better opportunity with them. So first, focus on what you like about the company you're interviewing with, and the potential career opportunities they may offer. This is similar approach to as why you are interested in this company. However…
