From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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How to respond to: When have you gone above and beyond at work?

How to respond to: When have you gone above and beyond at work?

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

How to respond to: When have you gone above and beyond at work?

- When an employer is asking, when you have gone above and beyond at work, they most likely are confirming your work ethic and motivation to get the job done. There are a variety of ways they can ask this question, but will most likely always be a behavioral question. For instance, they could ask, give me an example of where you were proactive in your last position? Or tell me about a time you exceeded your team's expectations. You should always have a few examples of exceeding expectations that focus on your work ethic and what motivates you. To highlight your work ethic, you want to show this is just not a one-time thing. You might start out by saying I have several examples, but I think the most relevant is the time I helped my team exceeds sales expectations by 10%. Once you choose which example you'll use support it using the SAR approach or with situation, actions, and results that you took to go above and beyond.…
