From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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How to respond to: Tell me how you handled a difficult situation

How to respond to: Tell me how you handled a difficult situation

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

How to respond to: Tell me how you handled a difficult situation

- Tell me how you handled a difficult situation is a classic behavioral-based fit question. They most likely are seeking information on what you may find difficult, how you go about solving problems, or how you work with people in the organization. Depending on the situation, it may also be confirming your ability to learn on the job. The way this question is asked can be broad and open to interpretation, so you will want to not only show your critical thinking skills, but you also want to show how you align with the organization's values and work style. Understanding the organization's culture will be helpful in choosing an example. This can be done through informational interviews or by secondary research through news articles or the company's website. Look for clues about how teams collaborate within the organization, how decisions are made, and how recognition is handled. This will help you pick an example that…
