From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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Example interviews: Why are you interested in our company?

Example interviews: Why are you interested in our company?

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

Example interviews: Why are you interested in our company?

- Let's look at some examples of job candidates answering the question, why are you interested in our company? There are three topics that are important to highlight when responding to this question, why are you interested in the company, the position, and how does the company and position fit with your longer-term goals? Let's take a look at the candidate for the entry-level UX designer position. - Tom, can you tell me why you're interested in our company? - Yes, well, while other companies focus on the Fortune 500 companies, you focus on the learning aspect of everything, including that as well. And so your dashboards and everything involved and include the interest of the students that I'm working with. And that's why I'm so focused and excited to work with the company, because it covers everything. - Great. - It's a lot to remember to cover each of the three topics that the interviewer may be trying to discover.…
