From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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Example interviews: When have you gone above and beyond at work?

Example interviews: When have you gone above and beyond at work?

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

Example interviews: When have you gone above and beyond at work?

- For this question, give me an example of when you have gone above and beyond at work, your initiative needs to be supported by outlining the situation, actions you took, the results of your work. It also should provide your motivation behind it. Let's hear how our first candidate, Tom, who is interviewing for an entry-level position as a UX designer answers this question. - Can you give me an example when you went above and beyond at work? - The best example I can come up with is when I was working at the university and that my internship, we had to create a visual effect for the materials that we were using for this program, and so the school, university, they used Illustrator and I didn't know it yet. And so I ended up learning it and I was able to create the project for our deadline. - Great. - Tom offers a very specific example and shows how he went beyond expectations by taking a course and seeking out help on…
