From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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Example interviews: Tell me about your weaknesses

Example interviews: Tell me about your weaknesses

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

Example interviews: Tell me about your weaknesses

- Let's look at some examples of job candidates answering the question, "Tell me about your weaknesses." The key to answering this question is to be honest and mindful of what skills you may need to develop. The first candidate, Tom, is interviewing for an entry-level position as a UX designer. - What are your weaknesses? - As you mentioned in the job description, I'm not able to use After Effects, but I was able to pick up Illustrator quite quickly with the help of my friends and by taking a course. I was also able to create a logo for my boss that turned out quite well. And with that, I was able to pick it up and I know I could pick up After Effects as well. - Tom's example is something the interviewer can readily see is not on his resume. To make up for his lack of experience, he touches on his other technical skills. He also uses an example from his past to address the weakness. Now, let's look at how someone…
