From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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Example interviews: How did you handle a disagreement with your boss?

Example interviews: How did you handle a disagreement with your boss?

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

Example interviews: How did you handle a disagreement with your boss?

- We're now looking at some examples of job candidates answering, "Tell me about a time you disagreed "with your boss." It is important to understand that disagreements happen. Knowing the specific company's workplace norms can be helpful in informing your answer. But if not, you should focus on your critical thinking skills, integrity, and what you learned in the situation. Let's see how our candidate, Tom, answers this question. He's interviewing for an entry-level position as a UX designer. - Tell me about the last time you had a disagreement with your boss. - I was working at a startup company and I wanted a little more responsibility, and so I spoke to my boss about it, but she didn't think it was good idea because I was new. She thought that I didn't have the organizational skills. I listened to her and I demonstrated that. And I think in the future, I would advocate for myself a little better. - Great. - Although…
