From the course: Managing Jira Projects: 3 Helpful Concepts and Features

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Lab: Cloud company-managed

Lab: Cloud company-managed

- [Instructor] In this demonstration, we're going to look at setting up projects that use shared configurations, and we'll also look at Parallel Sprints. The first thing I'm going to do is create a project that share settings with Megastorm. Now I'm logged in as Dakota Jones, the Jira administrator, and I'm here in the Megastorm project. From the project sidebar, I'm going to click on Project settings. Next, I'll click on Summary, and, from here, I can see all of the names of the schemes that are being used in this project. When a projects created it's going to have some shared schemes, but others are going to be specific to the project, and you can see that those specific schemes have the project key at the beginning of the name of the scheme. Here, we have the Issue type scheme that's prefaced with M-E-G, MEG, which is the project key. If I scroll down, we can see that the Permission scheme and the Notification scheme…
