From the course: Managing Jira Projects: 3 Helpful Concepts and Features

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- [Instructor] This module is a basic introduction to JIRA automation. You'll learn the benefits of JIRA automation, explore the core elements of automation configuration and create an automation rule. In this section, we will explore the benefits and features of JIRA automation. An automation rule can act as a custom feature for your team. It is a way to extend the value of JIRA by enabling your team's desired processes. Automation can enforce requirements. Ultimately, automation minimizes the complexity of the JIRA instance for your team. JIRA software offers several ways to automate functionality, including workflows, bulk editing of issues, third-party marketplace apps and custom coding. JIRA service management also has blueprints and next gen cloud projects have rules. In this module, we will look at the no coding automation feature built in to JIRA software. JIRA automation enables you to implement automation…
