From the course: Managing Jira Projects: 2 Managing Boards

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Managing boards

Managing boards

- [Narrator] In this module, we'll learn how to manage boards in JIRA projects, we will explore how boards can be configured. And we will add columns to a board, map statuses to columns, clean up Kanban boards and implement versioning. We'll start by looking at what it means to configure a JIRA board. JIRA offers two types of boards to track issues, Kanban boards and scrum boards. Scrum boards are ideal for teams working in small cycles or sprints. Scrum boards have a dedicated backlog where work can be planned and allocated to sprints. Scrum boards are sometimes referred to as sprint boards or agile boards. Kanban boards are excellent for tracking an ongoing stream of tasks, such as support issues or bug fixes. By default, the left most column of a Kanban board serves as a backlog. But if you need to, you can enable a dedicated backlog page. Scrum and Kanban are not mutually exclusive. Many teams like to use both of them,…
