From the course: Managing Jira Projects: 2 Managing Boards

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Lab: Cloud company-managed

Lab: Cloud company-managed

- [Instructor] In this demo, we'll create and configure boards. I'm going to perform these tasks as Max, which is why I'm logged in here as Max Taylor. I will primarily be using two projects, Enterprise and Voyager, which you can see here. There's Voyager and there's Enterprise. If you would like to follow along in your own cloud instance, then just create two projects, and in both, make sure that you give Max Taylor the role of project administrator and add him as project lead. The scenario here is that the team is developing a new game app. They manage bugs that are reported for the game using Kanban and not Scrum. When the team works on stories and tasks, they use sprints, so they need a board to support each process. Additionally, the team wants a board where they can see all issues across two projects. Let's go ahead and set some of these up. I'll start with the Enterprise project, which has an associated…
