From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

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Cross-functional team composition

Cross-functional team composition

- Cross-functional team composition is dictated by the type of project being executed and the goals you're trying to pursue. Let me offer a couple of examples. Imagine you have a technology project. On that team, you may have people from IT. They're there to spec the work, do the work, and assess technology vendors that may be involved. Finance may be involved. They're going to manage budgets and assess financial impact of the project. Operations could have people on the team. They're there to do user acceptance testing and define operational and process changes that are going to result from the technology project. You may also have reporting and analytics involved. They're there to measure the impact and build reports coming out of the project. In another example, let's imagine you're running a cost reduction project. You may have people from the business unit or functional experts. They're there to identify savings initiatives, and to implement them after the project's been…
