From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

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Conflicting performance

Conflicting performance

- A cross-functional team can only succeed if everyone on the team does their part, and delivers on their performance expectations. When someone falls short of expected performance, it can lead to conflict, people are going to be frustrated, they'll feel let down, they may feel treated unfairly when a teammate fails to deliver. Leaders need to resolve issues by managing individual performance. They can reallocate work or change deadlines, they may even try and secure additional resources. When you see performance coming up short, address it immediately. Find out if it's a skill issue, a will issue, or a resource issue. Once you know why it's falling short, take appropriate action, get the person trained, motivate them properly, get them the resources they need. Don't let team members play the blame game. Acknowledge performance has fallen short, and then turn the focus toward resolving the issue. When I was a consultant, I had a project where I was the one falling short. I'd gotten…
