From the course: Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Fundamentals

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Incident detection techniques and tools

Incident detection techniques and tools

- [Instructor] So let's talk about incident detection techniques and tools. Now, Peyton has been introducing Dustin to incident detection. He's explained how incident detection is a pivotal first step in defending Red30 Tech against cyber threats. Peyton explains that core detection techniques are instrumental in defense mechanisms and talks about the difference between signature-based, anomaly-based, and behavioral-based detection, and how each serves as a unique complementary role to protect from all of those security issues. So let's talk about detection techniques, and there are three core detection approaches. The first one is signature-based. This is about identifying known malicious patterns. Second is anomaly-based. This is detecting deviations from normal behavior, and then behavior-based is studying system and user behavior to identify threats. Now, let's talk about signature-based first. So signature-based…
