From the course: Leveraging Your Transferable Skills to Drive Your Career

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What do you enjoy?

What do you enjoy?

- I was an investment banker early in my career. And not only am I not really good at merger math, I actually don't like doing it. So, there was a big uphill struggle. Now, I develop and deliver content on all types of career issues, and I can find myself creating new content, editing a deck, writing a blog post, and I'll look up from the clock and I'll think, "Oh my God, two hours just went by." I can lose myself in what I'm doing because not only am I good at it, but I enjoy doing it. So, the questions to ask yourself in terms of figuring out what do you enjoy? What do you do and the time just flies by, you don't notice the clock? Or what would you do as a favor to a friend, and feel no need to be compensated for. Those are probably things that you enjoy. One mistake, people sometimes make is thinking that we enjoy doing something, And so we should try to monetize it. Or, "Gosh, I love playing the guitar. "I'm going…
