From the course: Leveraging Your Transferable Skills to Drive Your Career

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How to sell your transferable skills

How to sell your transferable skills

- Jonathan was an architect. He had been working drafting, designing, developing buildings for his entire professional career. And at some point he got frustrated with the extremely long lead time between ideating a new project and then seeing it come to fruition, and he decided he wanted a career change. And funny enough, he decided that he wanted to go into brand marketing. People looked at him like he was a little bit crazy when he said he wanted to sell Tide Pods. But here's what Jonathan realized. Jonathan really wanted to do something where he would see the impact of his work much more quickly. And he thought brand management was a perfect opportunity for him. So when Jonathan went to go interview with consumer retail companies, he talked about his transferable skills, not that he was an architect and that he had built buildings, but that he was really skilled at navigating between big ideas and small details, and…
