From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

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Why ESG matters

Why ESG matters

- Now that we know what ESG is, the next logical question to be answered is, so what? This is a fair question. Why does it matter? And more specifically, why should it matter to you? First, ESG is not just a trend, it's a fundamental shift in how businesses operate. In an era where enterprises face increasing scrutiny for their impact on the world, ESG offers a framework for responsible and sustainable practices. Another reason you should care, your customers care. Consumers increasingly make choices based on a company's commitment to ESG principles. While consumers recognize it may cost them more, they're increasingly willing to pay that premium to get their goods and services from sustainable brands. This consumer shift underscores the business case for ESG. It's not just about doing good, it's about meeting the expectations of a conscientious market. ESG also matters from an investor perspective. Institutional investors are placing greater emphasis on ESG factors. Sustainable…
