From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

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Stakeholder management

Stakeholder management

- One of the most critical roles that business analysts play today relates to stakeholder management. You are accountable for ensuring effective communication, building consensus, and considering diverse perspectives within and beyond the organization. As I mentioned in an earlier video, stakeholders in the ESG landscape encompass a wide spectrum, from internal teams and leadership, to external entities such as customers, suppliers, and communities. The ability to manage these stakeholders effectively is crucial for the success of your ESG projects. We know that initiatives are more successful when stakeholders are actively engaged. In the realm of ESG, this includes fostering a culture of sustainability and transparency that permeates your entire organization. This can be a significant shift in your existing organizational culture. If the spirit of ESG is not part of your DNA. Be prepared to act as a facilitator and sometimes therapist. You'll need to conduct stakeholder analysis to…
