From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

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Solution design

Solution design

- The goal of solution design is to translate our elicited requirements and completed impact assessments into actionable plans. In the context of ESG, you'll also be asked to work closely with sustainability experts, project managers, and various business units to create innovative solutions that meet ESG goals, and enhance overall organizational performance. One key aspect of solution design is to ensure that sustainability is not seen as an add-on, but is integrated into the core of business processes. I've seen this firsthand where decisions are made on financial grounds, but then someone gets the idea to tack on, "Oh, and it'll save the environment 'cause we'll need less paper." This is a practice called greenwashing, where environmental benefits are tacked on for good public relations or promotion. They aren't wrong, but that wasn't the motivating factor, money was. According to research by the Harvard Business Review. Companies that successfully integrate sustainability into…
