From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

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Managing risks and ensuring compliance

Managing risks and ensuring compliance

From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

Managing risks and ensuring compliance

- As if you don't have enough to think about. Let's add on the need to navigate the complexities of ESG initiatives by identifying and managing risks while also ensuring compliance with evolving standards. That's a lot. ESG initiatives, while promising numerous benefits, also come with inherent risks. To meet that challenge, you'll need to actively collaborate with risk management and compliance teams to conduct thorough risk assessments. This means identifying potential challenges ranging from regulatory changes to reputational risks to operational and supply chain disruptions. By conducting a comprehensive risk analysis, you can help your organization anticipate and mitigate potential obstacles to the success of ESG projects. Recall that you also contribute to strategy by aligning risk management practices with the specific goals and ESG objectives as a way of creating value. You'll need to monitor changes in regulations and industry standards actively. You want your organization to…
