From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

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BAs have a role to play in ESG

BAs have a role to play in ESG

- Throughout this course, we've explored the dynamic intersection of business analysis and environmental, social, and governance principles. From understanding the components of ESG to actively supporting ESG projects, you are well positioned to serve as architects of sustainable transformation. This is a pivotal moment for our world. It was an incredible aha for me when I realized that I had the ability to make a contribution to the future through my work as a business analyst. All those tiny changes compounded, become new products, processes, and services that support an organization's ESG goals. And my ultimate goal, to leave the world a better place than when I got here. As organizations worldwide grapple with embracing sustainable practices, BAs emerge as catalysts for change. It's important to recognize that the role of business analysis in ESG extends beyond functional responsibilities. You become advocates for sustainability, driving awareness, fostering collaboration, and…
