From the course: Leveraging Business Analysis in ESG

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Aligning to your business strategy

Aligning to your business strategy

- ESG is not a standalone concept, but an integral part of your company's overall approach. Business analysts like you need to collaborate with strategic planners, executives, and various business units to align ESG objectives with the organization's mission, vision and values. You can contribute to this resilience by ensuring that ESG goals are not only ethically sound, but strategically advantageous. This means analyzing how sustainability initiatives can contribute to competitive advantage, market positioning, and long-term profitability. You'll need to actively participate in strategic planning sessions, offering insights into how ESG considerations can influence decision making at the highest levels of your organization. Your involvement ensures that sustainability is not treated as a side project, but is woven into the fabric of the company's overall strategic direction. This starts with gaining a deep understanding of your organization's overall strategic objectives. Review the…
