From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

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- As I think about vulnerability, this is a quality that I certainly wasn't taught early on in my career. If anything I think you're taught early on to try to act as if you know the answer, and to come in fully prepared, and you're nervous about saying, "I don't know". You're nervous about talking about your failures, and if anything, those failures and saying that you don't know, make you so much more approachable for your teams. When they see that you're not up on this pedestal with all the right answers, and a perfect career trajectory, and that there's been lots of curves to get there, in general people feel like they have an opportunity to do that as well. And so leaders that are vulnerable about their mistakes, their failures, when they don't know information, things they would have done differently, that really opens up yourself to your team in ways that I think are incredibly powerful.
