From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

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The power of and tips for vision writing

The power of and tips for vision writing

From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

The power of and tips for vision writing

- So when I think about how leadership really starts, it always starts with how you think about yourself, and how you want to show up as a individual in all aspects of your life. And one of the most powerful tools that we use at Facebook, which I started using now about five years ago, is actually the power of vision writing. And so each year, we'll be coming up in early December, we will take a few hours around the world where our teams will get together and they will work on their annual vision statements for 2018. Now, what does that look like, to be very practical? So mine, for example, will start, "It's December 31st, 2018, I am in Beaver Creek, Colorado, "after having a great day of skiing "with my family and friends, and as I look back on 2018, "here are the things that I'm most happy "about accomplishing." And then I do it in three sections. A business section, with very specific business goals. It could be revenue targets, customer satisfaction, how we wanted to show up in…
