From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Use SnowflakeDB for SQL queries

Use SnowflakeDB for SQL queries - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Use SnowflakeDB for SQL queries

- [Instructor] Now we're going to take a look at Snowflake DB's database storage as it relates to query processing. As you'll remember, Snowflake DB completely separates these control planes so that you can have maximum control and scalability. So query processing is SQL queries, and we're going to kind of start with the basics, and then drill in as we go through this section so that you can understand functionally how to run SQL queries, and then, of course, how to get the biggest TCO or total cost of ownership benefit from Snowflake's really powerful virtual warehouse feature. So let's switch over to the interface and look at running some SQL queries to get us started. So here we are in the Worksheets view, and you may remember from a previous movie that I had gotten the shared data for COVID-19. Do you remember how to do that? You go into the Data section here, and then you go into the Marketplace, and you just…
