From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Review SnowflakeDB architecture

Review SnowflakeDB architecture - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Review SnowflakeDB architecture

- [Instructor] At its core, the architecture of SnowflakeDB is relatively unique in that it completely separates the different control planes for maximum scalability, manageability, and usability, and it really reflects in the elegance of the product. We'll be drilling into this in the different sections of this course, but to get us started, data storage, which of course, because we're cloud native will be object store, so for example, if you run on AWS, it'd be S3, if you run on GCP, that would be Google Cloud Storage, Azure would be Azure Blob Storage. It is completely separated from query processing which are virtual warehouses, or you can think of them as clusters of virtual machines, which again, you manage at the level of paying for compute time at the millisecond billing level, you don't deal with machines, or operating systems, or patching, or any of that stuff. And then up above that, you have a very important set…
